
贾志忍 梁仲康 齐庆中 石维忱
王延才 吴秋林 赵亚利 朱念琳

陈 峰 陈 坚 陈 宁 陈 卫
陈 颖 池振明 崔生辉 堵国成
段胜林 扶 雄 高彦翔 郜海燕
顾 青 郭书贤 韩北忠 郝利民
何国庆 胡小松 黄 和 黄卫东
黄宇彤 江正强 蒋立文 金征宇
雷红涛 雷质文 李 斌 李 诚
李 宁 李 啸 李 勇 励建荣
林文翰 林 影 刘 波 刘东红
刘书亮 刘振民 鲁 军 路福平
罗云波 孟宪军 邱树毅 屈凌波
饶平凡 任发政 宋相容 孙宝国
孙远明 谭天伟 王大为 王 莉
王 敏 王瑞明 王 卫 王兆光 
王正祥 王智民 魏 琴 魏益民 
吴清平 吴永宁 谢明勇 邢新会 
徐宝才 徐 岩 许 菲 薛长湖 
姚 粟 尹 花 岳田利 张柏林 
张和平 张劲松 张力实 张万刚
赵 东 赵改名 赵国华 赵谋明 
周光宏 周荣清 周新虎 朱蓓薇
Michael C. Qian  Eddy Smid

Piotr Dziugan   

Zhongxiang Fang































The declaration of enhancing scientific ethics and developing good academic environments from the editorial office of the Journal of Food and Fermentation Industries 


To strengthen ethical practices in science and technology, promote research integrity, safeguard the reputation of academic activities, and develop an academic atmosphere conducive to the creation of academic journals, the editorial office of the journal of Food and Fermentation Industries solemnly made this declaration, in accordance with the spirit of《The joint declaration made by the National Academy regarding strengthening scientific moral norms and creating good academic environments》, printed by the Chinese Scientific Association in 2012.


1 Focus on the ethics of science and develop innovative spirit 

Emphasize exploring innovations; promote academic exchanges; promote scientific research production; actively support scientific advancement; propagate scientific knowledge; set advanced scientific practice standards; cultivate technological skill personnel; improve overall quality and innovative ability; strengthen the cultivation of occupational ethics, develop pragmatic practices, promote cooperation, improve awareness of academic honesty, and actively further prosperity of our national scientific career.

2 Educate academic integrity and promote disciplined academic behavior 

With respect to author’s interests, the publication of articles will be declined in the following conditions: dispute over signatory of the article, lack of relevant citations and references for quoting other papers, plagiarism, falsification, and any other dishonorable behaviors. Once discovered, a written notification will

be issued to the author’s organization, warning the publication declination in accordance with the severity of the transgression. 

Authors should contribute their manuscripts through the online collection and editing platform (http://spfx.cbpt.cnki.net). The manuscript should be contributed to only one journal. After submission, the system will automatically go through a similarity/plagiarism check. The manuscript will be rejected if the percentage of direct copying exceeds 30 percent.

3 Strengthen the construction of reviewer committees, to ensure adherence to professional ethics

Strengthen the peer review system to promote impartial review. Delegate the roles of editing

committee and expert reviewer. Tighten objectively and impartially, the paper quality and inspective norms. Establish a clear and specific system for reviewing,approving,and repealing manuscripts. Maintain the authenticity and accuracy of academic records.  

A published paper discovered to contain falsifications, plagiarism or significant error will be disposed of within the minimum time by making a repealing declaration, corrective notice,or a public apology, and also inform the database to repeal acceptance of the manuscript.

This journal uses a blind peer-reviewing method to monitor manuscripts. To avoid conflict of interest between the editorial office and the author of a manuscript, only manuscripts with approval from an impartial peer reviewer will be considered for publication to guarantee impartiality and objectivity.

Reviewers should not rate or criticize the author of a manuscript. Comments should have a clear argument and adequate evidence; comments should be objective and impartial.

Reviewers should conform to the rules of blind peer-reviewing. The manuscript cannot be discussed with other parties without the permission of the editor in chief and the editorial office, in order to ensure the confidentiality of the results from review. The reviewer should be conscientious of the efficiency of the

reviewing process and provide the review results as soon as possible to the editing office. The expert reviewer should point out unreferenced literature, and ensure the accuracy of the arguments in the manuscripts. Reviewers should inform the editing office if the manuscript presented has a large percentage of

similarity or overlap with other published works.

4 Clarify the responsibility and right of signatories, strictly conform to professional norms

All the authors should make concrete contribution to the work of academic theses and take responsibility for their papers. Before the submission of the manuscript, all the authors should have a complete check of the manuscript to ensure its accuracy and reliability, remove any dishonorable attributes, and agree on the

order of the collective authors. The authors should express gratitude to the coworkers of the project who made a contribution to the research. When the paper is published, the fund used for the research of the project should be indicated.

Authors should clearly indicate the quotation of other works. If there are any problems in the submission process, authors are obligated to make corrections or propose a withdrawal in time. 

The uploaded research paper must have original, innovative research, logical points, clear arguments,

rigorous lines of reasoning, accurate phrasing, concise context, reliable data,clear and legible illustration, and rich and complete content. The usage of measurement units, figures, punctuation, and other standards should be in accordance with the relevant national regulations.

5 Exert the editorial role to guarantee the quality of scientific research papers. 

Before the manuscripts are printed, they must be edited and processed by the editing office. The editing office may contact the author to discuss normative problems if necessary. If there are significant problems in the published paper, the editorial office will decide whether a correction, clarification, withdrawal, or

apologizing declaration should be made for the published paper based on a consensus reached by related personnel and the discussion of the editing department, editorial committee, and expert reviewers.

6 Agreement on transferring the possession of theses

Authors own copyright of the paper and are also solely responsible for the paper. In order to ensure the signature right and intellectual property the authors, authors should click “agree” in the agreement of transferring copyright when submission.

This editorial office has the right to make literal correction for the paper that will be published. After the publication of the paper, the authors will agree to transfer the authorship to the editorial office including e-journal,multimedia publisher, network publisher and other forms of publication right. The authors

should declare when contributing, if the author does not allow adjustment or content correction of the paper.

The above agreement will be come into place from the date of issuance of this declaration. The full crew of the editing department, committee, authors, expert reviewers and the public has the right to monitor and inspect the above agreements.


The editorial office of 《food and fermentation industries》





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